David's 'Clan' Blog

Anything that interests me as an author and a reader - and anything else I feel strongly about! I am also interested in the German market for translated work.

When an author becomes a publisher!

An article that appeared recently in the 'inBusiness Magazine' of the Oxford Times (15th August 2013) explains how an author can become a publisher without really trying - all you need is a desire not to be pigeon-holed by Trade Publishers and a desire not to be ripped off by self-publishing companies - Oh yes - and most importantly a love of books and reading that is not entirely driven by cash! Go to Page 27 for the story of 'A Man with a Clan.'

Wallace: For Freedom Alone - E. G. Spitzer

Video that accompanied the original German language 'Wallace Trilogy' by E. G. Spitzer.


The English translation of the first book is now available at a special pre-order price at Red Cap Books.


"And will you ever know dear Sir, what a hero you became?"

Rest in Peace Sir William Wallace of Ellerslie

Wallace: For Freedom Alone - E. G. Spitzer

On this day in 1305 Sir William Wallace lost his final battle and was murdered in London, suffering the most horrendous of ends.

Here's what he said at his 'trial', probably the only proven quote that exists - the final words of a truly great man, hero and legend:

"I cannot be a traitor, for I owe him no allegiance. He is not my Sovereign; he never received my homage; and whilst life is in this persecuted body, he never shall receive it. To the other points whereof I am accused, I freely confess them all. As Governor of my country I have been an enemy to its enemies; I have slain the English; I have mortally opposed the English King; I have stormed and taken the towns and castles which he unjustly claimed as his own. If I or my soldiers have plundered or done injury to the houses or ministers of religion, I repent me of my sin; but it is not of Edward of England I shall ask pardon."

WALLACE: For Freedom Alone

Wallace: For Freedom Alone - E. G. Spitzer

Proof approved and first orders to be delivered from 2nd September - order now for a special pre-release price from Red Cap Books.

"‘It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.’

Extract from the Declaration of Arbroath, 1320.

WALLACE: For Freedom Alone

WALLACE: For Freedom Alone!Due out on the 2nd September, the first in the great trilogy about Scotland's greatest hero William Wallace by E.G, Spitzer has been translated into English by Monika J Becker and edited by David P Elliot (author of 'Clan', 'The Gathering' etc.) under the title of 'WALLACE: For Freedom Alone'.


Published by Red Cap Publishing the book can be pre-ordered at £7.99 a saving of £2.00 on the retail price following the launch.


‘WALLACE: For Freedom Alone’ is the English language translation of the
first part of the trilogy written by E. G. Spitzer of the legendary battle of the
hopelessly outnumbered Sir William Wallace, Chieftain of Ellerslie, against
the English occupying power for the freedom of his beloved Scotland.

In the year of our Lord 1307, John Wallace, on the eve of his execution, is
telling his own life story, and that of his brother William.

Scotland lies defeated at the feet of the English king, whilst marauding English soldiers rob, loot and set fire to anything that is left.

The Scottish nation is starving, dying and has given up.

Meanwhile, the path of the young William Wallace seems sketched out. As the second-born of the family he was traditionally destined to have a career
as a priest and scholar.


Yet fate had very different plans for him ...

The book is a fact based fictional account using the latest historical findings
and tells the remarkable story of William Wallace’s real and furious assault to
free his nation - for freedom alone.


Order now from Red Cap Books to be sure of being one of the first to own this exciting new take on the incredible story of William Wallace.


There will be two further titles on the trilogy to follow.






'The Gathering' by David P Elliot

The Gathering - David P. Elliot

Two more reviews of 'The Gathering' by David P Elliot - the sequel to his novel 'Clan'



'Like the other reviewers I have been desperately waiting for the sequel to Clan to be brought out. I bought it and made sure I had a weekend with nothing booked so as to make sure I could read it from beginning to end with no interruptions as I had found that Clan was a "could not be put down" book. I have to be honest - I was not disappointed, I could not put it down as the book is such an excellent page turner. I was hooked from page one, the story flows so well and has subtle references to Clan but does not over repeat the original story as I find some books do, which can spoil a good read. the twists and turns kept it exciting and I was not expecting such a good ending, I was kept guessing until the very end as to the finale and I cannot wait to reread it again as I always do with excellent books.

David, Keep up the excellent work and I cannot wait for the next book to appear - please don't keep me waiting too long - I don't think I could bear it!!'



'Like one of the other reviewers, I waited somewhat impatiently for this book, having read Clan more or less as soon as it came out. Hence the waiting period was not insignificant! I was just not sure at all what to expect by way of the follow up to Clan - what was there to write about? David captured my attention very quickly and, as with Clan, the book was never far from me. I needed to keep reading it to find out how things were going to be resolved. I was totally gripped! I am not sure if there could possibly be a 3rd book in this series, but if there ever is, I shall certainly be reading it!'

Source: http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Gathering-David-P-Elliot/dp/0957341148/ref=sr_1_1_bnp_1_pap?ie=UTF8&qid=1375898650&sr=8-1&keywords=the+gathering+david+p+elliot

Email from Canada re: 'The Gathering'

Email received just now from Canada from reader Terry Myles who has just finished 'The Gathering'

"Hi David  Just finished your book yesterday and loved it ! It seemed to just flow from one book to the other . I was captivated by all the twists and turns and how the story evolved . Still hoping to see a movie as it would be great to film in Scotland and Heritage Castle WOW ! Just like Clan I found it hard to put it down and was kinda sad when I finished it . Wondering if the red cap will look like the one in my mind ? Disgusting little things they are . Keep in touch about the possible movie , I think it would be a great hit . Would like to get back to Scotland in the next few years and check out Hermitage and the borders . A big thumbs up from me on The Gathering , can you say mini series ? Any way take care keep me informed thanks Terry Myles   ps who would play Susan ??"

The Gathering

The Gathering - David P. Elliot

Second print run of the 'Clan' sequel 'The Gathering' almost sold out - time to order it if you want it!

Most recent review

'I have waited (not very patiently) for the follow up to CLAN with keen anticipation and because I enjoyed CLAN so much I was a little bit apprehensive about how the author would tackle the next book, having now read the Gathering I am not disappointed.

The Gathering, excellent, excellent, excellent! From page 1 of the prologue I was as they say "back in the zone" The author has masterfully carried on this very exciting story from the first book. The Gathering is a superb mixture of the historical mixed with the supernatural and is a wonderfully crafted piece of writing.

The story is excellently written with many twists and turns and with the addition of new strong characters the author has built on the excellence of CLAN and dare I say surpassed it with The Gathering.'

I would highly recommend The Gathering to anyone who enjoys excellent writing, wonderful plot and superb characters

When people ask me why I waste my time in reading a book that is going to turn into a movie.

Reblogged from Bookish Quotes:

New review on Amazon for 'The Gathering'

The Gathering - David P. Elliot
Thanks for this lovely review just appeared on Amazon - for 'The Gathering'

'I have waited (not very patiently) for the follow up to CLAN with keen anticipation and because I enjoyed CLAN so much I was a little bit apprehensive about how the author would tackle the next book, having now read the Gathering I am not disappointed.

The Gathering, excellent, excellent, excellent! From page 1 of the prologue I was as they say "back in the zone" The author has masterfully carried on this very exciting story from the first book. The Gathering is a superb mixture of the historical mixed with the supernatural and is a wonderfully crafted piece of writing.

The story is excellently written with many twists and turns and with the addition of new strong characters the author has built on the excellence of CLAN and dare I say surpassed it with The Gathering.

I would highly recommend The Gathering to anyone who enjoys excellent writing, wonderful plot and superb characters'

You see - New unknown writers can really make it!

In January a previously unknown author wrote a crime novel and did exceptionally well managing to sell 1500 copies!


Let's face it - whilst we all dream of making it big on the best-seller list and earning a fortune, that kind of selling - believe me is pretty damned good for an unknown newbie!


But what was even more remarkable - and this is a marketing trick to end all marketing tricks -  by one small change and without a single re-write sales of this novel exploded and went straight to the top of the best-sellers list earning a fortune for the author.


The trick? somehow it leaked out that author was writing under a pen name - his (pen name was male) real name? - JK Rowling.


Amazing how this book became so much better by the inclusion of one word and two initials - the pen is truly mightier than the sword!


I'm gonna have a go with W. Shakespeare - see what happens! :-)

Under the Tree by Michael T. Ashgillian

Under the Tree Michael T. AshgillianThis great new children's story is now available as a Kindle download as well as in paperback.


Described as a cross between Lord of the Rings and Narnia - you will not find many better children's adventure stories than this.


Get it here.

'Under the Tree' Launches!

Reblogged from David's 'Clan' Blog:
Under the Tree - Michael T. Ashgillian

The great new children's novel from Michael T. Ashgillian launches tomorrow. You can get this first novel in the 'Northland Tales' series from Red Cap Books now!

'Under the Tree' Launches!

Under the Tree - Michael T. Ashgillian

The great new children's novel from Michael T. Ashgillian launches tomorrow. You can get this first novel in the 'Northland Tales' series from Red Cap Books now!

'The Gathering' is launched!

The Gathering - David P. Elliot

'The Gathering' - The long awaited sequel to the International best seller 'Clan' from David P Elliot has launched and all pre-orders have been despatched and will be landing on your doormats any day now if it hasn't already.


You can order your copy at Red Cap Books and if you haven't read 'Clan' you can get that there too!


It is also available from all major book outlets and in e-book formats.


The Gathering


'28 years after a young child is rescued from a supernatural attack the nightmares have begun.


Are these simply childhood memories emerging from somewhere buried deep in his subconscious? Or has the Evil really returned to attack him once more?


In David P Elliot’s sequel to his historical supernatural thriller ‘Clan’, Thomas Ralstone needs to turn again to his family to understand what is happening and why a Russian mercenary is stalking him and seems determined to return him to the scene of his childhood nightmares in the Borders of Scotland and the dark brooding menace of Hermitage Castle where it seems a 700 year old curse is once again unravelling to threaten him.'